Tamar Garb

-- The modern body is always a [...] gendered body.

-- Gender distinction [is] one of the quintessential ways of making meaning in the modern world.

-- ...creating an image of contemporary sexualized woman, scandalously available for scrutiny and suggestion.

-- ...the brute reality of a naked body in an ordinary room.

-- Male potency was connected with national power and progress. There was no possibility of the latter without the careful preservation and protection of the former.

-- ...psychic vulnerability is the inevitable condition of human consciousness.

-- ...masculinity as psychic defense.

-- The heroic could always collapse into the banal.

-- The buttocks is penetrable, and therefore symbolically feminine.

-- The disastrously disempowered male who is the object of sodomitical fantasy.

-- 'ephebic'

-- Modern man- curiously defenseless.

-- The nu esthetique provided the screen behind which erotic photography could appear.

-- Men dress to differentiate themselves from women.

-- It was she who must absorb their stares and delight their eyes at the same time as reflect back to them a belief in their own omnipotence and power.

-- The slippage between the merchandise on sale and the woman herself being easy to make....

-- The 'scent of woman' provocatively stood for the sexual promise that her rigid carriage concealed and contained.

-- Unchaperoned, and therefore brazenly available.

-- 'Elan frisson'

-- Leche vitrine- window shopping (literally, licking the window.)

-- In the 19th century mythologies, Woman always exceeds the parameter of her performance. Like the android of modern science fiction, her careful programming cannot always be controlled and the dazzling spectacle of her sexuality, however contained and packaged, can threaten her admirer with blindness, or even death.

-- The fascination with the mysterious allure of femininity was always, therefore, permeated by fear.

-- The female body epitomized nature at its most potentially unruly.

-- The fetishized female body acts as a substitute for the lost penis.